Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal
Dr Pradeep inspires many with the profound expression of creative intelligence.

Dr Pradeep Ullal is the Spiritual head of Kevala Foundation, a ‘celebration’ and ‘liberation’ destination in a natural paradise in India. He is one of the rare Himalayan yogis serving in the urban world and truly empowered to awaken the kundalini through the relay of ‘Shaktipat’ transmissions. He is revered as a “Super Gamma Master” with the ability to raise his brain frequency to transmit gamma waves. He guides aspirants on the Himalayan yoga traditions of Kundalini, Samaya Tantra, Nada, Laya, Kriya, Surya, Jnana and Shambhavapaya to guide aspirants with higher awareness.
Dr Pradeep Ullal is a Clair-cognisant, Kriya Yogi, Healer, Martial artist, Athlete, Musicologist, Author, Orator, Curator of Kailsaa Music Festival, Free-spirited Himalayan Adventurer, Philanthropist, Nature lover and Sociologist. His Gamma Wave transmissions, guidance and presence have empowered aspirants to awaken the ‘Kundalini Shakti’. Dr Pradeep Ullal welcomes you to explore, experience and elevate through absorbing purest gifts of cosmic grace. His proven athletic abilities at 50, passion and compassion, blissful and balanced living inspire many. He has initiated over 10,000 aspirants from over 120 countries.
A revered ‘Super Gamma Master’
A heightened state of ‘neural synchrony’ in the brain leads to supreme ‘coherence’ and sustain states of ‘supra consciousness’, the experience of ‘cosmic-self’ and expression of ‘purest compassion’. Dr Pradeep Ullal is revered Super Gamma Master with ability to raise his brain frequency to 100 Hz and demonstrates profound ability to enable ‘pure alignment’, ‘healing’ and relay ‘bio-photonic’ transmissions remotely.
Spiritual Guide at Kevala
‘Kevala Foundation’ in India is like a pearl drop on eternity. A sanctified spiritual abode that was conceived, funded and creatively aligned by Yogi Pradeep Ullal and blessed abundantly by ascended beings. The Celebration Center serves as a ‘Life Transformation’ hub and attracts genuine aspirants across the world to absorb phenomenal energies and bounty of an abundant natural paradise.
Global Presence and Personal Guidance
Yogi Pradeep continues to guide aspirants globally through his ‘pure alignment’ sessions, ‘direct initiations’ and ‘personal guidance’. With the ability to guide thousands of aspirants at the point of need, he has been able to empower them on the Himalayan paths of awareness. He inspires through intense live encounters in workshops, remote transmissions of Kundalini Shaktipat and Gamma wave. His awareness discourses are inspiring and are shared freely on the Kevala Foundation channel on YouTube. He has initiated over 10,000 aspirants from over 120 countries and empowers them to be leaders in their chosen domain of expression.
Pure Alignment: Fastest ways to access our blissful original design
Yogi Pradeep truly believes that healing happens as a process of alignment of body, mind and spirit. As a pure channel, he is able to relay profound gamma wave energies through pure intent, magnetic touch, cosmic sounds to penetrate receivers with intensely blissful flow. His research on intricate body work has resulted in a highly evolved technique known as ‘Pure Alignment’, which is regarded as the fastest ways to realign the body to access its full bodied current, golden ratio design, wholesome brain activation, nadi flow, empowering DNA, Kundalini Shakti and bliss chemicals.
Mountain Fit, Healthy, Aligned
Being mountain fit is a way of the Himalayan yogis. Ability to attain heightened body fitness and mental strength is imperative on the path of deep exploration to access the gifts and the purity of the human design.
Yogi Pradeep sustains his athletic abilities. His 50 year old body is often tested in high altitudes while he demonstrates that one can sprint at amazing speeds at over 20,000 feet in the rarefied mountain air. It takes tremendous lung capacity, which is possible through advanced Kriya yoga practices. Sustaining a liberated state is crucial in rising above the limitations placed by ordinary belief systems. His childlike enthusiasm, spirit of adventure and balanced living inspires many to walk his path. He emphasizes that a disease-free body is attainable through the purification process of Himalayan Kriya Yoga. One has to sustain that level of consistency in practice and sustaining a blissful journey.
Eclectism, the creative absorption
Yogi Pradeep is an eclectic and believes that wisdom can be gleaned from the essence of various art forms which contribute to effective ways of gathering collective awareness. It is faster to evolve fine tuned techniques from the contribution of masters from different disciplines and include it in our practices. Yogi Pradeep has intuitively evolved Kriya routines which are in sync with some of the practices of Kung-fu masters in Shaolin Monastery, Sufi mystics in Turkey, Tibetan monks, Siddha Masters of Tamilnadu and so on. The oceanic awareness of Yoga is too vast to master in one lifetime and it is obvious we have absorbed a small part and expressed it.
Nada Yogi
Nada Yoga is the science of pure tones, enhancing vocal bandwidth, tonal frequency, modulating voice, absorbing cosmic sounds and divine music. Nada Yogi Pradeep received this awareness through direct transmissions from Gandharva mandala which lead to six years of spontaneous uprising of the Kundalini Shakti to cleanse his vocal cord and intense process of brain irrigation. He has developed a unique way of chanting Sanskrit hymns in 4 octave range and uses it effectively to heal many beings from many chronic ailments and also to awaken their Kundalini. He has expressed this phenomenal science in his book- Music-the divine ecstasy released in Feb 2020.
Dynamism in Sedentary Lifestyle
As a part of his thesis on ill-effects of a sedentary lifestyle, Yogi Pradeep has contributed many evolved techniques to sustain a healthy metabolic rate through Himalayan Kriya Yoga techniques even when immersed in a sedentary lifestyle. These techniques have been successfully shared with thousands of aspirants across the world. Fine-tuned techniques like ‘Assemblage Point’ Activation, Yoga Nidra, Inner Silence, Vajrini Nadi and Chitrini Nadi Activations have resulted in blissful and progressive journeys of many.
Laya, Lesha Vidya, Mukti and Moksha, the highest path
Some of the rarest sciences of ascension of the soul are Laya yoga, the science of dissolving karmic resistance and dropping the layers of maya. Lesha Vidya is the science of staying one step away from completely merging into the cosmic absolute. It is the rarest and most profound science of dissolving ego identity. Mukti is the science of liberating from entanglement and attaining constant integrated awareness of bliss. Moksha happens through pure grace and the soul is eternally liberated from the repeated cycles of bodily journeys. Yogi Pradeep is one of the few beings who is guiding deserving aspirants on this path. The path towards accessing these elevated sciences is through purification process, hence the emphasis is on Himalayan Kriya Yoga techniques to unlock the sacred portals of ascension in our brain.
Magnetic Presence
Receptive beings will relate with the profundity of magnetism. Awakened beings radiate compassion which reflects in tremendous magnetism. Being in the presence and absorbing the transmissions of an adept Yogi is a huge revelation for a ready aspirant. It is a blissful experience of deep stillness and silence. His mere presence has enabled many to be inspired on the path of ascension of awareness. His greatest contributions are his creative ability to raise vibrancy in practitioners through simple and effective methods.
Himalayan Kriya Yoga: The most intricate alignment
Yogi Pradeep received many powerful transmissions from Gorakshanath Babaji which lead to many revelations of unlocking the body’s potential to detox, decalcify, decarbonise and fine tune its state of purest alignment with its core design of sacred geometry. After 20 years of intensive exploration, experimentation and evolution, the Himalayan Kriya Yoga has attained its phenomenal process of alignment in the easiest, fastest and effective manner. Yogi Pradeep has demonstrated that if one takes on the Himalayan Kriya Yoga challenge for a 40 day continuous routine, they can attain high levels of fitness, health and awareness.
Contributions & Achievements:
* Founder & Spiritual Head of Kevala Foundation at Chikmagalur, India.
* Evolved Himalayan Kriya Yoga, a globally appreciated and certified program by Yoga Alliance, USA
* Curates the Kailasaa Music Festival – Live concerts by world-renowned musicians.
* Directs the “Wings to Freedom” -trekking expeditions to exotic mountain destinations in the Himalayas.
* Authored the book – Music-The Divine Ecstasy.
* Sacred Guru Mantras Album- Calibrated Nada Yoga Chants appreciated globally.
* Kevala Foundation YouTube Channel -Freely sharing awareness of Yogic science and ways to bliss and enlightenment.
* Charity Initiatives – supports underprivileged children, free healing and guidance.
* Advisory Panelist on the Skalvi International School, Bengaluru
* Awarded Iconic Leaders creating a better world for all” by Women Economic Forum in 2017
The Mystic in Flow

Awakening Events & Master Flow

* Kundalini Awakening & Guru Kripa- Satya Sai Baba
* Kundalini Uprising into the Central Sun Point- Blessings of Adi Para Shakti
* Various Energy Transmutation Siddhis which heightened into Realization
* Sandarshana- Glimpse of Cosmos in brain neuron portals
* Crystalline Structural Alignment- Brahmarishi Vishwamitra
* Mantra Siddhi- Explosive Atomic Union through Om Namaha Shivaya
* Guru Kripa-Initiated by Sadguru Dattatreya
* Sun Activation- Direct Initiation by Bharga Deva
* Elemental Nature Initiation- Chiranjeevi Shri Hanuman
* Abundance Initiation- Yakshadeva Kubera
* Gamma Wave Brain Activation- Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara