Himalayan Kriya Yoga Sadhana
Himalayan Kriya Yoga is a profound science of alignment for purification at all levels to attain mind-body-spirit into a constant blissful union. It enables a sincere practitioner to ‘detoxify’, ‘decarbonise’, ‘decalcify’, ‘calibrate’, ‘unlock’, ‘align’, ‘purify’, ‘access the brain portals’ to absorb cosmic transmissions and sustain the ecstatic ‘divine bliss’ within, and eventually journey towards attaining a disease and pain-free body.
Yoga is Samadhi and to attain that immense absorbed state, one needs to purify, listen, grasp, receive, sublimate and absorb the essence of Prana, Ojas and Tejas and attain an absorbed blissful union. This process of Antahkarana Shuddhi follows traditional yogic and intuitively guided ways to sort each individual in different stages of evolution.
A genuine sadhaka focuses on igniting the Kundasthana, which is crucial to streamlining the Prana Shakti Sanchalana. The Muladhara is reinforced through perineum contractions and pranayama and kriyas like Agni Sara, Nauli Chalana, Shakti Sanchala, yoni mudra, nada and kriya sadhana and specific asanas practices combined with various ways of spinal twists and Nadishodhana so that one can attain samatva of prana in Ida and Pingala channels, a state of being equalized and aligned enough to magnetically draw the Kandarpa Vayu through the Sushumna Nadi to attain Pranottana which is the basic milestone of all Yoga Sadhana. A sadhaka has to experience sublimation process called Urdhwa Rasodhara or Urdhwa Retas. This is crucial to the journey into sukshma sadhana practices of Kundalini Yoga, Tapasya, Mantra Bhedhana, Nada Sadhana.
One has to dive into the depths of Kriya Sadhana to dissolve the rigid calcifications, engraved memories, kalmasha (toxins), patterns of samskaras so that one can access the perennial pranic flow across the Nadi network and eventually a converged flow resulting in uni-pointed awareness of blissful Zero field magnetism of the Brahma Guha in the third ventricle. This will reflect in pure stillness (sthiratham), and enhance the ability to magnetize the shakti to rise and converge into the magnetic power of Shiva Nadi and its confluence into Sahasrara Bindu. This is achieved through the techniques of Nada Sadhana, specific ways of Mantra uccharana, to activate the trasrena sparklies and ignite the illumined explosiveness in the Shiva Nadi and its effect on the neuron gateways in the brain. We will do an intense practice of Brahmari, Yoni Mudra with a deep focus on activating the sacred trinity of Lallana, Lallata and Golhata Chakras converging into sublimated channels along the urdhwa pundra.
Eventually we will heighten the flow of Sampoorna Shakti Sanchalana of Kandarpa Vayu, pneumatic in its mode of Prana Vayu Sanchalana, magnetic in its Antara Mauna Sthiratham, while the fire of Guru tattva ignites the Kandarpa Vayu and ushers the kundalini shakti through the conduits of Sushumna, Chitrini, Vajrini and Brahmini. The illumined neuron network in the brain comes alive as it opens the portals of light to access Pratikasha through the Pundarikaksha, the eye of wisdom.
We can go deeper into the intricate connections of prana, spanda, nada, swara, Shruti through kriya practices. Alignment is our responsibility and prepares us to access the cosmic grace permeating through the Rishi Mandala. It is obvious that a moment in realization is more profound than a lifetime of words, practices and experiences. However, it will not discount the fact that every breath is taking us closer to samadhi if there is purest intent, gratitude, trust, acceptance and calibration.
Attaining the Roga Mukta Avastha (disease-free state) is by ensuring that Prana is flowing every meridian to its highest potential and through Karma Kshalana (memory cleansing processes), so it can truly dissolve all latent patterns of disease and engraved memories.
The techniques of Himalayan kriya yoga were channelled through Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal for several years. It felt like a knowing from his past journeys in the Himalayas and yet seemed innovative in its application. The application of Yoga is limitless and one can be repeatedly inspired by it and yet feel incomplete. His body kept evolving as he discovered improved ways of dissolving pain, disease and suffering in many aspirants that came his way. He remained determined to attain a finely tuned instrument that was capable of absorbing cosmic transmissions and music in its subtlest way.
Every pain that he encountered in the process of fine-tuning, taught him ways to realign the body back to its elemental flow. Revelations occurred in small trickles. It ushered him to deep immersive states of meditative stillness and nothingness. Many years passed in intensive exploration. The only desire left was to crack open the limitedness and experience the true cosmic self and divine nature through this body. There was no craving for any siddhis or attainments, despite receiving many phenomenal gifts, which eventually dissolved as profound experiences dissolved along with the ascension to the summit point of realization.
Himalayan Kriya Yoga (HKY), as propagated by Kevala Foundation is a free-flowing format. Unlike other forms of ritualistic practices where strict discipline is imposed, the emphasis is on enjoying the yogic flow through our senses while in deep meditation. The idiom of ‘hearing the light and seeing the sound’ comes into play, where every student can vouch for the sense of joy, bliss and celebration they feel following a session. The emphasis is always on being compassionate to the plight of all living beings, being tolerant and yet resilient internally to overcome disease, pain and suffering and become a pure beacon of love and joy to everyone we come in contact with. Being a compassionate being is a crucial link to devotion and humility. Some of the most talented musicians I have encountered have been truly beautiful in their human expression.
Benefits of Sustained Himalayan Kriya Yoga Sadhana
- Effective Detoxification to attain higher levels of purity
- Effective Decalcification to attain free flowing joints and clarified pineal gland.
- Heart and Brain Coherence to attain clarity in intent, emotion, action
- Streamlined flow of Prana to attain lightness, disease-free state
- Streamlining of prana flow across the nadi network
- Divya Chakshu Stimulation (third eye, trilochana)
- Calibration of Cellular Awareness to attain harmony and unified command
- Balanced Body temperature and emotions owing to activation of Hypothalamus
- Effective digestion, absorption, assimilation through Nauli and specific Kriya
- Enhanced cardiovascular flow through an enhanced arterial loop, breathing and dynamic movement
- Activation of brain portals of accessing cosmic waves of transmissions
- Sustaining an ideal body weight to suit the role play
- Activation of sacred channels of Lalana, Lalata, Golhata for accelerating pranothana
- Unlocking the uddana vayu to permeate the brain portals of ascension.
- Streamlining the subtle spinal channels of Sushumna, Chitrini, Vajrini and Brahmini nadis
- Attaining a strong grounding and connection with earthy elemental flow
- Aligning brain portals, neuron gateways to access the cosmic transmissions
- Fine tune the vocal cords to attain clarity and purity of enunciation of Sanskrit chanting
- Activates purging and elimination processes which are crucial for dissolving toxins.
- Effective Decarbonization to attain free flowing respiratory channel.
- Brain Hemispheric Coherence for higher awareness and creative adaptation
- Enhanced Production of Bliss Chemicals like Seratonin, Dopamine, Anandamide, etc
- Sublimation of Vital Fluids (Urdhwa Rasodhara)
- Maha Prana Kundalini Shakti Activation through Kundalini Kriya
- Enhanced Brain Activation through Kapala Kriya techniques
- Enhanced Memory owing to activation of Amygdala, Hippocampus
- Dissolving Karmic Baggages by detoxing the ‘toxin plug’ in the throat
- Radiant glow and fragrance in the body with fine tuned vyana flow and tapogni
- Mid-brain focus for attaining elevated states of stillness, silence, zero field magnetism
- Progressive kriya techniques to activate chakras and attain supra-consciousness awareness
- Salivation processes to sustain lubrication of nadis and joints and slowing aging process
- Advanced auricology techniques to fine tune the brain and the nadis
- Dissolving the negative impressions of rigid habits, patterns, emotions, memories through uni-pointed kriya techniques
- Streamlining the Trikhagni that comprise Bhutagni (elemental fire), Tapogni (fire of radiance), and Chittagni(fire of consciousness)
- Aligning the centric haric line to attain clarity in willpower, destiny
- Attaining a balance of the vital flows of hydraulic, pneumatic, electric. magnetic streams that contribute to the calibration of the crystalline silicon structure of the suble body within.
- Fastest, simplest and profound ways to prepare, sustain a yogic journey into higher awareness.
Frequently Asked Questions about HKY
Is Himalayan Kriya Yoga same as taught by Yogananda?
Himalayan Kriya Yoga as taught by Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal does not follow the kriya format as taught by the schools of Yogananada. It is an inspired, eclectic, evolved and creative mechanism which combines the highest paths and essence of yoga, sacred energy movements, dynamic movements from ancient martial arts, marma activations, nada yoga, mantra sadhana, shambhavapaya, kundalini vidya, swarodaya which give practitioners the great advantage of attaining the milestones of upward rising prana, kundalini awakening, inner silence, alignment, to sacred geometry, disease-free body, ecstatic states of celebration within and eventually a deserving self-realized state.
Where can I learn Himalayan Kriya Yoga same as taught by Yogi Pradeep?
- Learn it directly from Maha Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal by attending his live workshops at Kevala Foundation or other yoga venues across the world.
- Learn it from a certified teacher approved by Kevala Foundation.
- Follow the HKY videos freely shared on the Official Kevala Foundation Channel on YouTube.
Are there levels to Himalayan Kriya Yoga?
HKY is an oceanic science with simple practice and the results depend on the levels of intent sustained and intensive practice. Beginners may find the volume of scientific engagement quite demanding. However, one gets progressively aware with more acceptance and fine tuned study, practice, contemplation and realizations. To avoid logical interventions, we have avoided slotting it into levels. A simple understanding is that if basic techniques are practiced daily with intensity and deep intent, one can derive profound results.
Can I stop medications if I start practicing HKY?
It is important to understand the relentless discipline and efforts are required for an aspirant to cross the thresholds and long held patterns of ailments and side effects and the precipitates of chemical medication that has been absorbed in the body. The inner resistances and ignorance dampen the processes of natural healing through kriya techniques. Most people are excited by reading about the benefits and possibilities, but do not sustain the kriya intensity long enough to liberate from disease patterns.
Do I need to be initiated into HKY?
Initiation process is essential for a sincere Margi (clarified aspirants) to receive the transmissions for clearing the root obstacles. Many practitioners who lack clarity tend to fail in this arduous summit ascension path of HKY. Very few aspirants develop the discerning ability which guides them to come into a deeper level of trust, acceptance, surrendered action. Initiation is not a one time activity and is a progressive transmission at various stages of elevation.
I am a Hatha Yoga Practitioner, how different and effective is HKY?
HKY is a fine-tuned, result-oriented, proven mechanism to unravel your highest creative potential. Kriya path is for ascension process and not just preparing only the physical body. If you are keen to awaken the life-transforming process of inner purification, Kundalini Awakening and all the benefits we have already described, you are welcome to explore. We have trained many Hatha Yoga teachers on the path of HKY and they have admitted the phenomenal results.
How much time will it take me to be proficient in the practice of HKY?
The practice of HKY includes many profound techniques into an intensive session. Hence it may seem overwhelming to a beginner. However, if you are consciously aware during the practice, you will train your muscle memory to direct your body to flow into the sequence naturally. Proficiency is not really a measure, as this is a creative engagement and not a perfection or mastery.
I am practicing, following the videos on youtube. How do I know if I am doing it right?
Attention to detail is crucial in the practice of HKY. With deep intent, patience, dedication, determination, one can learn to tune into the true depth of the practice. The results are a barometer for the purity of the practice. We have explained in detail about the science, practice, techniques in various videos so that any genuine practitioner can relate with it.
Can I teach HKY without dedicated teacher training?
Its inspiring to share your learnings with your friends and family. However If you are keen to guide aspirants with depth, clarity, accuracy, understanding its important to fine tune your practice and ways to direct the awareness through a dedicated training format. We suggest you to attend the 200 hours Certified Himalayan Kriya Yoga Teacher Training. The format is approved by the Yoga Alliance, USA.
I encounter pains while doing the kriya, should I stop doing it?
We are in different stages of evolution and it is reflected in the experiences, pain, suffering that which are triggers and teachers along the path. In the process towards absorbing awareness, we encounter resistances from within. Pain is resistance to flow and can be dissolved with higher awareness, calibrations, healing processes, kriya interventions and creative ways to direct flow. One has to deploy their intuitive discretion or seek the guidance of an adept teacher on the path.
I want to receive direct guidance from Yogi Pradeep? How do I attend his HKY workshops?
You can register for the HKY workshops at Kevala Foundation or any other venue that is closer to you. It is possible to receive direct guidance. Write to info@kevalafoundation.org with your queries and experiences and you shall receive emails. You can also book an appointment for Pure Alignment sessions with the Yogi to enable you to receive healing transmissions and personal guidance for the pathwork.
I am having my periods, can I continue with my practice?
It is a subjective situation. Some women experience painful cramps, heavy fluid discharge and it is not advisable to initiate a kriya yoga routine during this period unless you have under the guidance of an adept teacher. It is possible to realign the cyclical issues with calibration techniques as guided by the Yogi and experience a pain free periodic cycles that is in synch with the full moon.
I am pregnant, can I continue to do HKY?
A stressful pregnancy can be avoided if women can start doing kriya after their conception too under the watchful guidance of an adept teacher who is trained to handle such situations. We advice everyone to take enough precautions not to over-exert and also assess their situation with the teacher before enrolling for a HKY program.