We are passing through Earth in Kali Yuga, its Darkest Age. All the collective wisdom of all earthlings put together is not enough to crack the conspiracy code of Cosmic Masters who have set the universal design and order for evolution. It is called Krama. The Source has projected the unity consciousness and scattered an unknown number of souls across many dimensions of existence and beyond. The journey of the ONE soul into MANY and the return of the MANY to ONE is the most oversimplified way to state the cosmic design which is laughing its own projected joke. We as hapless role players are reeling with faint memories of the larger picture and we can emerge as desperate aspirants in a herculean effort to crack the code of life and beyond. We need active guidance from Ascended Beings who guide wilfully ready ones through our Earthly Role Play.
‘Shiva’, the Magnetic Power Head takes upon the Master Role Play of ‘Gorakshanath Babaji’ also known as “Mahavatar Babaji” to guide us through simple and profound ways to dissolve the stockpiles of Karmic Bio Memory so that we can liberate ourselves from the entanglement with the ‘samsara’ and the matrix channel of ‘Maya’. Our realities are unique owing to our subscribed script which has inspired our elemental alignment to a certain dimensional role play, the framework of body, attributes, character, and path work.
Gorakshanath Babaji is the most prominent, eternal Master who continues to guide aspirants on the path of Kriya Yoga. As the name suggests, Goraksha means ‘Divine Protection. Nath means Leader. It is also suggestive of the tradition of Himalayan Masters who are given the ‘Nath’ as a suffix. It is many lifetimes of being an ardent disciple that I am privileged to receive direct guidance of Kriya from this Master. It all happens in a most astounding way. It has been fascinating to read all the encounters with Babaji as described by a few blessed ones.
I was desperate to have a live encounter with Babaji on many of my visits to the Himalayas. After many years of Himalayan journeys, it only remained a fantasy to see the Master in a ‘Nirmanakaya’ form which is a polymorphing image that can graciously permeate into the body of a 16-year human and offer Darshan (vision) to a blessed devotee.
I often begged often to have a Darshan and it never happened. The divine will works through a ‘timing’ which cannot be predicted. However, the inner voice kept reminding me to raise the deserving levels through inner purifications so that I can unlock the portals to access the grace of the Master. I did not want to harbour any hallucinations, wishful thinking, imaginations, or illusions that would only massage the ego-self. It became obvious in a series of revelations that truly impacted the journey in the ascension of awareness.
The presence and guidance of Babaji in our spiritual journey have to be realized. I did not know how it would unfurl. I was reminded to expect the unexpected. The mystical revelations are beyond our capacity to imagine.
The Earthly journey:
At the age of four, I realized that I had acute scoliosis, which basically means a laterally bent spine. It would not let me sit in Padmasana. I lost interest in Yoga and pursued Athletics, Boxing and Martial Arts. In the youthful zest, I was at the peak of my physicality and the spine hardly came in the way of my endeavours. By the age of 25, I got busy with my postgraduate studies and this impacted my spinal health. I could feel the distinct degeneration and by 30, it brought me to a ‘do-or-die’ state. I was reeling in the darkest phase of my life. The challenges crash-landed on me. I lost my job in Dubai, and my dearest Mother to ovarian cancer, and my spine was struggling with a daily bout of spasms. I had literally hit the ocean floor and hoped for a ray of Sun to guide me through.
The deep remembrance came to me that I have been absorbed in ‘Tapasya’ for several lifetimes and I did not have to do anything extraordinary sadhana or find a physical guide in this lifetime. It became apparent that direct knowing will happen to align the bodies for cosmic awareness to flow through them. The inherent yogic wisdom had to be remembered and activated graciously and timelessly. I began to move my body through its pain and stiffness. The pain became my teacher. Every expression of pain lead to a certain intervention of awareness. I was urged to find ways to dissolve the pain through bodily movement to unlock the marma. It is obvious that cosmic grace descends when all efforts reach their pinnacle and the being collapses into deepest surrender. The processes happened involuntarily and unleashed tolerance, and resilience, and also guided me on innovative ways to dissolve it. After many intense processes, it began to dawn on me that I was being tested for a bigger role play. The universe wanted me to guide and teach through me. The pain revealed the difference between resistance and flow. I worked relentlessly with the body twisting, tapping, stretching, hopping, and innumerable ways to align. Several intuitive breathing techniques were followed by profound ways to unlock the DNA wisdom to attain balance, coherence, alignment, calibration and celebration with the elemental flow.
The Mystical journey kick-started with a surprise phone call from a Himalayan yogi. His voice was soft and the message loud and clear. He said, “Start Teaching, as the Masters are preparing and guiding you”. A strange feeling enveloped me. I laughed at the proposal as I had no classical training, nor structured approach, nor a single student. Why would the Masters choose me? The inner voice reminded me that my reluctance to step into my earthly role play had caused spinal issues. It urged me to surrender. When I said ‘YES’ to the idea, a student appeared from nowhere. I was instantly gifted with X-Ray vision to see through his bodily issues. It became a revelation that the Master conspiracy had begun. What happened in a series of master interventions to this body in the space of an earthly year was stunning, to say the least. Many profound Yoga Siddhis permeated through which defied the laws of physics I had read about. Mystical interventions had taken over this body. I saw unreflected lights of higher dimensions pass through its conduits and make their way through this body. The revelation is stunning when I saw sound transmute into light. I saw earthly and cosmic sound waves, radio waves, gamma waves, FM, and EMF with my eyes open in broad daylight. This body was able to catch them before the designated receivers could catch it. It may sound fictional or imaginary. Yoga siddhis are beyond the understanding of the laboratory-based science that we are limited ourselves with. I saw profound healing frequencies heal pain and injuries in this body in a flash of a moment.
The Light/Dark Force
It was in 2007 and I was at ‘First Steps Nursery’ in Dubai. I recall standing in front of 20 people in a meditation space and guiding them with Kriya Yoga practices. In a flash of a moment, I felt a huge rush of dark energy hit me from 360 degrees. There was no time to even think or react. It enveloped and crashed me on the floor with my face hitting down first. A strange feeling mix of gratitude and shockwave permeated the instrument. The dark dimensional force had surprisingly ignited a massive bliss wave within. I stoop up with a smile to see eyes watching me in astonishment. The fall was protected by the force that directed it, and it ensured that it did not cause any bodily scar. Such permeations happened often and reminded me that this instrument was under the cosmic scanner. Phenomenal Masters had chosen the darkest dark channel to illumine this instrument. The effect of Gracious flows reassured that it was passing through Ascended Beings. More importantly, it shattered the classical wall between the ‘Dark’ and the ‘Light’. The Greatest Light Masters can choose to use the Darkest channel and unlock the Jyothirlinga pillar within us. At times, I wondered if there is any specific Master who has been directing such gracious flows into this body. The revelations reminded me that there is only ONE Master flow which transmutes for causal, celestial astral and earthly masters with their role plays. Gorakshanath Babaji is so incredibly omniscient and powerful a Master flow that it is revered as Shiva itself. It has no designated earthly form and it can permeate us in a polymorphic way that suits its intent and our readiness. It hits us when we least expect it and shatters our assumptions or preconceived notions that emerge from belief patterns, idealism, and reference libraries stored within our cultured selves. We have the tendency to see what we want to see. It is a fact that we ‘perceive’ more than we ‘receive’. Hence Masters crash us into a state of zero. One cannot even operate the thinking process or apply any rationale to the event. This is how true Grace operates. It knows that our ignorance and fear can dilute the impactful flow passing through the portals. Intellect is a Wall and Intelligence is a Valve. Masters have the ability to unlock the valves in a flash of a moment. This can take several lifetimes of concentrated yogic effort. Long Story short-It became evident with the Kriya awareness that followed each of these blasts of energies, that it is Gorakshanath Babaji who directed it.
The human fascination for humanizing the forms of higher beings is what leads us to hallucinations. We have been conditioned to perceive the form that we have devoted to. Babaji’s image has been circulating across the yoga world and must be the most recognized Master Image. It invokes devotion and reverence when one gets to know about the encounters of yogis like Haidakhan Baba. Like it always happens in India, there are many versions and stories of Babaji which makes one wonder which one to believe in. We don’t need to question its integrity, as every pure receiver is the prime witness to it and each encounter is so unique and is not meant to be measured or compared. The underlining aspect is that Grace is the Game Changer. When Grace permeates it transforms the being. True power lies in its effect. It humbles the receiver into surrender and radiates the compassion waves to signify the impact of grace. Once awakened to such profundity, there is no turning back to our everyday struggle. Babaji’s soul fragrance, radiance and magnetic presence are supremely alluring and inspiring.
If one were to be chosen as a vehicle for spreading the awareness of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, it has to be a powerful soul script embedded within that shatters the ego-self and makes it truly choiceless. This lifetime is just rendered into a state called “ishwara pranidaana’, which basically means offering our life force to the source as our deepest state of trust, acceptance, readiness, and surrendered actions.
Visit to Kataragama temple, Sri Lanka
in 2008, I was travelling to Sri Lanka with my wife ‘Vinaya’ and daughter-‘Smriti’. We hired a taxi to drive us through this beautiful country. En route, I checked up on the driver if he can take us to the Kataragama Temple Complex. He immediately agreed and had to take a deviation of a few miles. When I reached the temple complex, it took me a while to figure out that Babaji’s little temple was locked and the priest had left for the day. I peeked through the iron gates to get a glimpse of the sanctum. A brain wave hit me. I had to trace the priest somehow and get him to open the temple. I ran around the temple complex seeking the whereabouts of the priest. Finally, i got to meet this man and he dismissed me instantly saying that it was his lunch and sleep time. I gazed into his eyes, then turned around and walked away. I had walked about 100 steps and I heard heavy footsteps behind me. To my surprise, it was the priest heaving and puffing. He told me “wait”. I will open it for you. I bowed to Babaji, in gratitude. He had commanded the priest in a ‘cosmic whisper’ and it signalled me that Babaji did want me to visit the shrine and receive the blessings. The mystic is stranger than fiction. What may appear like a trivial event can be a quantum leap in reassurance. It reaffirms that we are guided along the path of completion and liberation.
Meditating in Babaji Cave, Kukuchina
The stories weaved about the earthly journey of Gorakshanath Babaji a.k.a Mahavatar Babaji is mind-boggling. The Siddhar tradition of Tamil Nadu has its versions and books have been written about it. What is meant to be realized is that we will receive grace in a unique way and any other reference is only inspiration. In surrender, the questioning drops, and the quest remains. This leads me to the phenomenal cave of Babaji in a little forest path of Dhunagiri hills. This is located in a small village called Kukuchina. The magnetism of this cave draws thousands of meditators from all over the world. The Yogada Satsang Society has glaringly taken over this cave and they deem it right to keep it locked. I was shocked to see that India, the spiritual giant has gone into comatose. We are not even capable of managing our spiritual heritage. There is no government-appointed caretaker. The phantom doorman of YSS hardly presents himself at the cave and hence one has to find the doorman first which is a task in itself. There were good times before all this mismanagement happened. I recall many phenomenal transmissions that we absorbed during our Himalayan Journeys to Babaji Cave. We call it the ‘Wings to Freedom’ as we prepare and usher genuine aspirants to access and absorb the gamma wave transmissions at this cave. The first time I visited this cave, I could not contain my excitement. I had to run up the hill and push my bodily limits and energy reserves. I landed nearly exhausted at the cave. Within a few moments, a celestial fragrance and cosmic sound waves permeated the space. The blissful celebration of being absorbed in a consecrated space of Babaji is so hard to describe. We can be a child in an ecstatic state or an absorbed yogi in silence. Every stone in the cave was radiating energy. The concept of Time and Space shifted in a few moments of being absorbed. A moment in realization is more powerful than a lifetime of experiences. One can chase rainbows or come under the scanner of Ascended Beings. Such is the dramatic grip of Maya that one feels overwhelmed by priorities and loyalty to the karmic role plays and spins of samsara. Rare are those who are woken up by a spiritual calling that is so strong that it overrides the earthly pull for repeating an entangled human journey. Receiving the Guru Kripa (grace) of Gorakshanath Babaji is the game changer. What more can one ask for than access the compassion, wisdom, directions, and transmissions from the most powerful Master in an active earthly role play to guide aspirants on the path of liberation? Babaji’s presence, the sphere of influence and magnetism is everywhere and beyond this existential dimension, and definitely not limited to this cave.
One of the most frequent questions that I encounter while teaching the Kriya yoga path work is “ Have you met Babaji?”. Most of them are curious to know what it feels like to have a physical encounter. The second on the list of questions is “Which tradition do you belong to?” and the third is “Who is your Guru?”.
The Force had answered all the questions for me. 1) Babaji permeates every atom. It flows beyond the faculty and a conventional meeting is not the only way to encounter it. (2) Tradition gives us a sense of ideal to live by. For a free-spirited being on the path of ascension, the reminder is to relay as a divine being in a compassionate human journey. (3) Guru is a magnetising elemental fire that guides us from darkness to light. The entire cosmos is our Guru along the summit path. A physical guide is granted if required. For this journey, thousands of beings are readily channelling through this body. I do not even know their names or identity. It is beyond my understanding and it doesn’t really matter if we are so absorbed in serving, all we need to realize is that these energies are meant for progression and protection.
The 14-year sojourn in Dubai
I was directed and positioned in Dubai for 14 years. It was a part of the Master conspiracy that landed me in Dubai in 1999. I got a job in a week’s time and lost it in about a year. I recall walking down Al Rafa street and in that unforgettable moment, I gazed at the sky and took an oath that I would never look for a job and will dedicate this journey to serving the path work given to me by Babaji. I sought guidance, protection and abundance. Everyone mocked my decision and ridiculed my choice at every gathering. I told them I was guided and choiceless. I was living in a beautiful duplex flat with my wife, daughter and in-laws who generously shared their beautiful apartment with us. This was the first sign of protection of Babaji and the Mother Divine. How the Master’s protection sustained me without a job for 14 years in the fastest-growing city in the world is mystical in itself. I was absorbed in yoga siddhis passing through me, exploring ascension processes, ways of alignment, Nada Yoga and sharing kriya yoga, and operating from a sanctified hall in the flat. People from all walks of life walked into this space that was brimming with Shiva-Shakti flow. I was being prepared for something big and I had no clue about it. The seed idea of building an Ashram in India was planted and the Masters inspired me with bliss waves and cosmic whispers to relocate from a high-tech city to this remote forest zone. I wondered how the resources could be directed, and it started to trickle in from friends around the world. The biggest lesson is to ‘give’ and ‘receive’ in the most complete way. This is the path of abundance, enlightenment, serving and loving.
Kevala, grace along the way
Never in my wildest fantasy would I imagine that I would be directed to build, operate and manage a large celebration centre, which is lovingly called the ‘Heaven on Earth. It is obvious that I was chosen as a torch bearer and medium for the Master’s project. There is no room for complacency and imagining that Grace will take care of our intricate processes. We are meant to be at our creative best to invoke heightened human effort. I am reminded of the learning processes towards accelerating the ascension journey while remaining grounded and practical to deal with the Krama of the physical dimension. One cannot deny the personal sacrifice, focused effort, sleepless nights and innumerable challenges that appear often. At times we can only wonder how Grace does its magic and intervenes in the most unexpected way to make the impossible happen. I continue to be an ardent student and accept the lessons from every inspiration, guidance and surrendered action. When all efforts reach their pinnacle, the grace unfurls the magic of joining the dots to get a glimpse of the vision of the Cosmic Masters.
The edifice of the Kevala Foundation that is carved in a pristine natural setting is enchanting. The space is alive with birds’ orchestra, cosmic sounds, pure elemental flow, silence and the inescapable transmissions pouring in from the Master Grid. I never imagined that all this happen through a Master’s vision from the beyond. Despite all the grace, I cannot rest and be a muted witness. Every moment this instrument is offered selflessly, consciously, responsibly, effortlessly, and timelessly absorbed in service to the Earth and higher awareness. The individuated will is surrendered to the Divine Will. It doesn’t mean one can rest and remain a witness and expect alignment to happen on its own. It has been a deep-seated yearning to reach the magnetism of Ramana Maharshi to be able to access such profundity of an undeterred witness to the flow of unity consciousness.
Babaji’s presence at Kevala
In India, people have gotten used to a typecast frame and mould for a yogi. It feels like the scanner of the urbanized seekers is looking for an inspiring figure. I did not fit into this typecast look that people find instantly venerable. Most of them expect to see an aged man with long flowing hair and beard, saffron clothing, ash-smeared body, a traditional spiritual lineage and a large following. Only a few aspirants have the skills to sense and feel energies or have the awakened eyes to see the magnetic aura of a Siddha Purusha or a Yogi.

I was sitting at Kevala Foundation, and the quintessential question popped up. Am I really guided by Babaji or am I imagining his presence here? I was seeking a definitive sign, guidance, protection, and presence at Kevala. The Master will begin to shape up.
Raashi, a student had decided to gift Babaji’s idol to Kevala. A sculptor from Jaipur was assigned to do the job. He had never even heard of Babaji and was wondering why he was chosen to do this. It may seem all ordinary. One can easily pay a skilled artisan and get the job done. The intriguing aspect is the Hand of God that works mysteriously. The Idol was done and shipped to Delhi Airport and was meant to reach kevala by Air Freight. It was nearing the date of the first-ever Kailasa Music Festival in November. For reasons best known to Babaji, the customs official in India held back the Idol for inspection and caused the unforeseen delay. In midst of all the festival preparations, I lost track of the delivery dates. The delightful surprise happened at 6 30 am on the 20th of November 2016, I woke up to a call from the delivery guys that a consignment is waiting for me at the gate of Kevala. It was my Earth Day (birthday) and the excitement of receiving Babaji’s idol was overwhelming and triggered tears of profuse gratitude. It was an unforgettable celebration of Installing the Babaji Idol at Kevala. We had been graced by an amazing bunch of blessed ones to witness the consecration of Babaji. The ceremony at kevala was befitting but I smiled knowingly when I saw and felt the precious transmissions radiating from Babaji’s idol. The elemental flow of Babaji was already pre-set within it. The ceremony was done to our satisfaction. Babaji permeated Kevala and established the Master Grid and sanctified it in a flash. What can one ask for when the Master answers all the questions in mystical ways? It was deep assurance that Babaji chose to land in Kevala on my Earth day to remind me of the precious connection that I truly live for.
With each passing day, the energies at Kevala are intensifying. When I return from travel and enter Kevala, I am baffled by a superlative depth of energy that welcomes me. This has been reiterated by the ardent aspirants who have been visiting Kevala since 2016. The Master Grid is attracting more beings to contribute to the elemental celebration. Kevala is like a pearl dropped from eternity. The mystique continues to unravel and illumine the ready ones with a deep calling to calibrate, celebrate and liberate.
I am driven by the pull of the Nirguna Tatva (attribute less element) aspect of the Divine. The formless magnetic power projects the Saguna Tatva (elements with distinct form and flow). The ritualistic practice or offer does not really trigger the essence in me. I have been a temple priest at the highest Shiva temple in Tunganath in my past journeys. During this lifetime I was meant to grasp the essence of all journeys and embrace the liberation path and guide aspirants along the way. Whenever I sit in front of Babaji Idol, there is a deep reverence and the knowing that it is not limited to the physical permeation. In surrender, the questioning drops, while the quest remains. Surrender is a ‘full stop.’ There is no hint of who, when, why, where, what or how that can ever pop up in a fully surrendered aspirant. One can operate as a Sajeevi, a being who lives selflessly for the ‘other’. The concept of ‘other’ drops eventually to see the conduit that connects us all to the same source. The concept that Babaji is a distinct master frequency cannot be envisaged. It is the cosmos itself that chooses its grand permeation and it is beyond human imagination.
One of the greatest cosmic role plays is of the Mystical Lord ‘Shukracharya’, who has taken the role of being the master of all the darkest dimensions. Having served as the greatest light master and then having the depth of courage to lead the darkest dimensions of existence is the most intriguing aspect of cosmic design. It serves us as a reminder that what we assume is a challenge seems so trivial when we look at the vast existence and how the ‘chaos’ (entropy) and ‘order’ (syntropy) co-exist. We can have the solace of being a speck of dust, a fractal that can appear on the radar of the cosmic masters with the purest intent to serve and rise.
Ek Matra Kataksham, the legendary ‘One sideward glance’ of an Ascended Being is enough to grant us liberation from all existential entanglement. It may seem far-fetched or esoteric to the uninitiated. However, what else can we hope for by just spinning haplessly in the evolutionary cycles with a karmic stockpile that is overbearing? There has to be an intense desperation that is so explosive that the ego-self is shattered to reveal the true intensity of the soul calling.
Babaji-Lightning standing still
Kundalini Shakti is the Game Changer that serves as a bio-lightning, elemental alchemist, nuclear catalyst, spiritual awakener, and a feminine receptor to magnetic pull to the central sun convergence point. The human body is a speck of cosmic dust driven by 93 per cent helium and a brilliant array of elemental components of matter and spirit that endows it as a self-powered biological instrument. The stunning and intricate masterpiece is aligned with golden ratios of sacred geometric design that bio-mimics a miniature cosmos in its creative flow. The star gateways along the vertical axis of the spine and brain grasp the celestial essence passing through the moonbeam and photonic waves from the Sun. As spiritual aspirants, we have to absorb the concept, science, and ways to activate the purity and heightened potential of the design to its finest expression of Ati Indriya Anandita Avastha, which is divine bliss. Such states elevate to ascension journey into liberation. The Force gave us cosmic guidance, the presence of Gorakshanath Babaji who has offered us the greatest tool of Kriya Yoga to calibrate the mind-heart-spirit-body to its highest creative potential to absorb the cosmic grace and liberate. In the context of this awareness, we are stunned to realize the extent of the design. Lightning strikes the Earth every 4 seconds. Its purpose is to nitrify the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates to enrich the soil. In a similar way, there is a prana surge every 0.8 seconds radiating from the Heart to convert the nitrogen within us into Nitric Oxide so that it can expand our constricted veins, nadis, capillaries, and arteries to allow the surge of Kundalini Shakti. The urge leads to a surge, and eventually a merge with the source. Babaji has emerged from the source as the greatest reminder and activator for soul liberation.
When the realization dawns on us, everything that we have assumed as knowledge, wisdom, and awareness feels so diluted. Truth hurts only once and the myth continues to torment us through our journeys. The choice is to allow the self to be in surrendered action. This profound permeation of Babaji is through the eternal pillar of unreflected golden light known as Jyotirlinga. Babaji streams through this vertical axis of the cosmos. We are all privileged to access this Jyothirligam which enables us to rise into the dimensions of the beyond and unleash from the grip of the entangled human struggles of samsara. Babaji realizes the fragility of a human instrument that can only handle 200 millivolts of brain current. Hence even the permeation is calibrated for a mild lightning effect. It is a huge privilege to have realized the impact of Babaji’s grace passing through this body. It happened to me several times that I saw the golden conduit of Jyothirlingam rising through the spine and piercing through the central sun point. The essence of the beyond is alluring and will remain a mystical pull. At times, I feel the limitations of being in a human frame that is compounded by the spiritual desperation to become one with the cosmic masters. The force tests our patience, trust, surrender, dedication, determination, desperation and deserving abilities. We can protest and ask why is it so hard to access grace. The fact is that it is already flowing and we are not calibrated enough and hence we choose the arduous route over lifetimes of struggle, pain, suffering in order to remember the connection with the cosmic masters. The Force, call it Source/God/Creative Intelligence/Absolute/Magnetic Power Head is the prime creation, generation and dissolution. It deploys its emissaries to empower it as per the Krama, the divine order.
Babaji has granted many such profound visions of watching the soul beam passing through light dimensions and its engagement with the polymorphic dance of light and shadows. Masters are not known by the earthly reference point of names, shapes and forms. They radiate with a distinct soul fragrance, energetic frequency, light intensity, and celestial sound that has a celestial signature of a certain dimension they belong to, which seems so esoteric as it does not register in our cultured intellect. We are meant to be astounded by its impact so that it can shatter the walls of ego-self and instantly remind us of the nature of the soul and the profundity of cosmic design.
The only way I can relay infinite gratitude to all the masters across the mandalas is by serving with compassion. Our efforts can seem so insignificant and irrelevant in the scope of the cosmic activity. However, it is evident that the Cosmic Masters are interested in the Earthly dimension and are directing its gamma waves. Are we ready enough to access the compassion, protection, guidance and liberating beams of the Masters?
The Ultimate Jyothirligam-Brahma Jyothi
Shiva as Gorkashanath Babaji has tested this body in so many intense ways that it has invoked a galore of humanly possible experiences. I am sharing a few of them here. In one of the most intense events of this bodily journey, the Force penetrated as an etheric Fire Ball passed through the vertical axis of the spine. The pundarikaksha, the divine inner eye clearly registered the trajectory of the self-powered hypersonic fireball passing into the core of the Earth and then rising through the ‘Sushumna Nadi in the subtle spine into the core of the sun. It triggered a blast of energies that test drives a human body to its biological extremities and unchartered domains of the spiritual uprising. The soul witnessed the
phenomenon. The faculties were shattered into silence. My skin was flapping like I was doing a free fall from dizzy heights. Despite all the extreme intensities, the state of being remained undisturbed as trusting the ‘Force’ is beyond the faculty. The intelligence of the creative energies knows about the fragility and extent of the bodily structural readiness. For about 10 minutes this fiery ball burnt every bit of karmic residual. The body felt like an industrial furnace under a supreme fire test. What can one do in a state of choiceless awareness? The adage reminds “if you can take it, you can make it”. When the event culminated, the body was still in a state of shock. Waves of gratitude poured out. How powerful is the grace that it chooses to burn the karmic residual in 10 minutes? Events like these are rare and I feel even more charged and responsible to live up to the trust in me. Sree Maa, a living Master who invoked and witnessed the event told me later that she was taken aback by the fiery form of Shiva, in the role of Master Soul for enabling this blast of energies. She looked at me, and I smiled. She said, “you are able to smile after all these relentless explosions”? That’s quite a feat in itself. I had nothing to say. The force did exactly what it is meant to and served as a game changer in this path of rising.
The reminder is that the entire cosmos is designated as a feminine conduit/receptacle/receptor/matrix/mandala/grid and Shiva is the Magnetic Power Head which is the only Purusha tatva (male) that is passing through it. I have been graced immensely by the Mother Divine, who responds to a need in one thought. She knows it all and the compassion that passes through is what I truly live for. The gratitude that emerges for all the protection, guidance, love, compassion, skills, art, and music that has been channelled through.
Babaji Grants the Darshan
This body has been on a roller coaster ride on this plane. Encountering the challenges en route has enriched my awareness. The learning doesn’t stop and it’s a choiceless state of readiness to invoke creative intelligence. The innate ability to adapt constantly enables me to handle situations that demand every iota of our energy reserves and application to override the chaos. An enlightened life journey is a huge responsibility and if aspirants get to know what it takes to live with it, they will find the quick exit route. Grace doesn’t mean everything happens in a smooth wave. Master interventions enable the events to happen with ease. And then, there are moments that test every vein, artery, and capillary to see how we handle the crazy situations. The sign of master approval of our work eventually leads to more responsibilities. Babaji has driven me through loads of pain and expected me to derive a creative technique to release it. Himalayan Kriya Yoga has touched the lives of thousands of aspirants and is now on the verge of being a global phenomenon. The backdrop of these creative techniques is laden with sweat, pain, and experiments to fine-tune the instrument to be ready for the permeation of cosmic grace.
At this juncture, life goals are set while the little earthly sojourn is brimming with worldwide travels, online sessions, kriya yoga training, music festivals, pure alignment sessions, Himalayan expeditions, family time and guiding the resources and managing the journey of Kevala Foundation. I just laugh about it that I am only getting better at multitasking. While deeply immersed in this madness of busyness, the fact that even a thought never occurred that Babaji had not granted me a Darshan, which is a direct revelation of this chosen form / projected image.
As it always happens in a way that he knows, I was yanked off the bed at 430 am. By 5 am on 29th October 2022, the Force of Babaji whispered to me to sit in absorbed silence in front of the Idol at the Meditation Hall in Kevala. When I reached there on the stage, I saw Dr Rupa also in meditation. I took a seat next to her and gazed at the eyes of Babaji. In a few moments, a blue tint appeared on his face of Babaji. I watched intently and did not want to miss a single frame. I was stunned to see that the face began to morph. The facial expression began to shift and the image was replaced by an incredibly powerful image of Shiva. One may dismiss this as wishful thinking. In a state of timelessness, the whole being became still within me. The body had become all eyes to capture every iota of the divine radiance emerging from Babaji. Tears of gratitude rolled down my cheeks. To a calibrated eye and discerning vision, the permeation of Babaji was meant as a gift, a reminder of his extraordinary presence in this ascension process and journey. The abundance of gamma waves profusely radiated from Babaji and it instilled a state of being that is magnetized into supreme stillness and silence and yet the river within me was flowing profusely. A distinct sound of cosmic drones and drums pervaded the space. It was loud within the headspace and it carried a distinct signature which I had not encountered before. Akasha Vani (spacial sound waves) is the way Masters signal their permeation with a unique Anahata nada (unstruck sound).
Getting such surprises keeps me inspired and face all the odds along the summit journey. The purity of the encounter is reflected in its effect. I have been reeling with cosmic sounds, celestial music, and star portal activations and this body is barely managing its scope of activities. The moment I rest my head on the bed, the cosmic spin heightens in this fragile instrument. The space within is supremely charged with photonic transmissions. Waves of oceanic bliss are passing through and the excitement of a powerful event shaping up is keeping me sleepless. The journey of a disciple is offered with the highest intent and readiness. When the Masters acknowledge that as a truly deserving emissary of the cosmic truth, the floodgates open and what follows is beyond the scope of our logic, science, rationale, and understanding. This journey has been a revelation of cosmic essence, fragrance, and transmissions that have truly empowered me to serve the aspirants till the last breath. This is for sure my last sojourn on this planet. I trust that all the force will be available at the point of transition so that I land into the role of an Antaryami, an inter-dimensional traveller and the emissary of Ascended Beings. At times, I receive flashes of my astral and causal journeys, which are the soul fragments radiating our multi-dimensional presence. True wisdom is not to predict or claim. It is important to have a quest in focus to sustain the progressive spiritual acceleration.
The Vedic wisdom relayed by Enlightened Rishis states that it takes a soul transiting through a human journey about 8 x 10 37 lifetimes’ to enlighten on its own. But it takes one sideward glance of an Ascended Being for the soul to enlighten. I trust that the Cosmic Masters will usher and guide this soul to completion (paripurnatha) and liberation (kaivalya). SO BE IT!!!
Thank you so much Guruji for sharing the extent of possibilities a ready being can experience
Came to know about the profound manner great masters can transmit
Thankyou for sharing your journey Guruji❤️Darshana of Gorakhnath Baba ji inspires to believe in extent of possibilities the ready instrument can receive
Its reminds me to be more receptive , more readyness ,purity of love and devotion ,selfless service, effortless effort, always be prepared as readiness…..
Do the best and leave the rest for supreme Grace to descend
Koti koti pranam guruji ❤️ Om Guru❤️❤️❤️Hari Om tatsat ???
Thank you Guruji as this blog will always serve us as a reference check to every aspect of turning point of our spiritual journeys!
” Kaivalaya Pad Daayini” one of the shlokas of the Lalitasahasranama comes to my consciousness after reading these stories of courage, grace and surrender. The Kundalini Mother activates all phenomenon and occurances for the unfolding of Daya and karuna which then translates itself into such surrendered action. May the windfalls of her grace continue to honour your divine presence with the kaivalaya state of pure liberation and illuminated wisdom. However, everything dissolves in the shunyata of Shiva. Nothing remains to be recognised, lived or accumulated for any furthur time. The still mind can grasp this state which may never be accessible to the intellect. Keep radiating these waves of silent stillness to the world so that they can taste the elixir of Shiva. Om Shree Matre Namah!