Music, the divine ecstasy: Dr Pradeep Ullal
Publisher: Subbu Publications, Bangalore.
Book Layout: Sujay Kashi. Cover Design: Vinaya Ullal
ISBN Code:978-93-899-93-00-4
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Music, the divine ecstasy
Music is the greatest gift, highest skill and our purest creative expression. What does it take to access the ecstatic states absorbed through Music? Himalayan Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal offers profound culturing and purification processes, practical guidance to a journey of fine-tuning the body, breath, nadi and neuron network to prepare for accessing subtle inner- journeys, waves of cosmic grace and unravel the creative intelligence. Get ready to absorb the effects of purest music and celebrate the states of heightened bliss and divine ecstasy. This book inspires true aspirants to extract inherent skills to absorb music through receptive awareness, offers insights of musical maestros and subtlest technical details and life experiences. Music is the most potent drug ever known, and we truly deserve to extract its essence. Join in the inspiring musical journeys at the ‘Kevala Foundation’ in South India that offers profound ways to explore, experience and elevate through heightened sonic bliss in an exotic natural paradise.
About the Author
Dr Pradeep Ullal is an adept Himalayan Yogi who has aligned ‘Kevala Foundation’ as a ‘celebration’ destination attracting aspirants across the world. He curates the ‘Kailasaa Music Festival’ that hosts world-class musicians. He has evolved the profound ‘Himalayan Kriya Yoga’ which is the simplest way to align and purify the body. Free-spirited beings join him on the enriching Himalayan expeditions called ‘Wings to Freedom’. Dr Pradeep has inspired many to truly experience ecstatic states at his exotic Nada Yoga sessions at Kevala, called ’Nada Brahma’
Upcoming Books to be published in 2020
The Enlightened Body
The Enlightened Body is an intricate Master Book being authored by Himalayan Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal. It combines sacred sciences of ‘Yoga’, ‘Tantra’ and ‘Sri Vidya’ sciences to build strong immunity, unlocking the mono silicone crystalline portals in the brain, activating bliss chemicals and sacred toroidal flows to ignite a radiant golden aura and a vibrant energy armour and enlightened awareness.
The science is evolved through immense practices of Himalayan Kriya Yoga, energy grid mapping, creative visualization, toroidal field mapping, principles of sacred geometry, enhancing magnetism, integrating the body, and the art of sustaining fine-tuned sensibility and unity awareness.
Pain, disease, emotional disturbance, negative relationships, lack of vitality can make our lives miserable despite all financial gains and comforts. This program is open to all with deep intent and trust in this intricate purification process to rise above the routine suffering in life.
The Human body is connected to the cosmic grid of light and we can feel our expansive cosmic connectedness. Aspirants benefit by decoding the sacred geometry of DNA structures and how to grasp the essence of sounds, music, chanting, breathwork, streamlining electric impulses across the nerve channels, unlocking star portals, stimulating the Vajrini Nadi and absorbing the celestial transmissions.
One can learn profound ways to transmit strong bio-photonic transmissions of healing, love and compassion. This is crucial to enhancing the vibrancy of our intricately flowing golden egg (hiranya garba) shaped the auric field.
This book will be launched in 2020 and make a huge difference to the aspirants in the process of building the Diamond Armour, the protective shield.
Himalayan Kriya Yoga Sadhana
Himalayan Kriya Yoga is a profound science of alignment for purification at all levels to attune the mind-body-spirit into a constant blissful union. It enables a sincere practitioner to ‘detoxify’, ‘decarbonize’, ‘decalcify’, ‘calibrate’, ‘unlock’, ‘align’, ‘purify’, ‘access the brain portals’ to absorb cosmic transmissions and sustain the ecstatic ‘divine bliss’ within, and eventually journey towards attaining a disease and pain-free body. Himalayan Yogi Dr Pradeep Ullal has been evolving the techniques, practices of this sacred science from 20 years and guiding teachers on the path. This book will provide remarkable insights, descriptions to enable to grasp the effective ways to align the body. This book has been underway since 2 years and it’s been revised with transcribed texts from live sessions during the teacher training. This book will be launched in 2020 and make a huge difference to the aspirants practicing and teaching Himalayan Kriya Yoga.